Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting closer...

...to world domination!! Oh wait, meant getting drunk...another beer or three and it might be close! So, into glory ride we ride. The album and cd layout is complete and should be going to press as I type this nonsense that no-one will read. Again, the HHR crue are the coolest around. Fuck me, talk about easy to work with and really getting things done exactly how our feeble minds envisioned this album to be is just fucking AWESOME!! Seriously, no teeth had to be pulled at all, thankfully, 'cause I can't spare anymore loss of teeth after last years dreaded Sweet Tart incident (yeah i lost a bottom front tooth on candy...none more metal than me!). Everything looks totally metal and will be out in August!!!

  Lets see, other news??? Hmmmmm....well, it's heavy heavy drinkin' season so things are a blur. We've been takin' it easy after MDF and should start up practicing again quite soon. Maybe. Got a few tunes spinning around my head that should be cool, or are those Running Wild tunes?!?! I dunno...it's all a haze. Heard the new Cardiac Arrest "vortex of violence" cd the other night and that will destroy minds and reap souls for sure...should be out soonish. Buy or Die!!

 Until we die again...here's a vid link our good friend Johnny Vomit took from MDF. Cheers.
Its not a youtube video so we can't just paste it here. Yes, thats gay.
